If you are interested in providing sponsorship for Access, you may do so at Support HACAC or when registering for the conference. If you are interested in conference sponsorship, please reach out to the development committee chair at [email protected].

Conference Sponsorship Levels

The generous support of sponsors helps Hawai’i-ACAC to provide high quality programming for professionals in the field of college admissions counseling in Hawai’i, advancing college access. 

All Conference Sponsors receive the following benefits:

  • Signage at check-in table
  • For event sponsorship: table tents with your logo acknowledging sponsor
  • Verbal acknowledgement during conference
  • Mention in conference program
  • Logo inclusion on website for one year
  • Social media recognition
  • Option to do a HACAC Insta takeover for one day


$ amount or equivalent value demonstrated for in-kind donations




  • Two complimentary conference registrations

  • Priority consideration for session proposals
  • Advertising space in conference program
  • Separate email and social media announcement 



  • One complimentary conference registration

  • Priority consideration for session proposals

  • Separate social media announcement (all the sponsors at this level listed at once)



  • Separate social media announcement (all the sponsors at this level listed at once)

Access Sponsorship Levels
Your donation at this level enables professionals in Hawai’i to attend our conference and/or other professional development opportunities for Hawai’i-ACAC members.

All Access Sponsors receive the following benefits:

  • Signage at check-in table

  • Mention in conference program 
  • Verbal acknowledgement during conference
  • Social media recognition






  • Logo inclusion on website for one year

  • Option to do a HACAC Insta takeover for one day

  • Separate social media announcement (all the sponsors at this level listed at once)



  • Logo inclusion on website for one year

  • Option to do a HACAC Insta takeover for one day


$ conference reg fee – 499

  • Named (no logo) inclusion on website for one year

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