Standing Committees and Elected Officers

Standing Committees:

Hawai’i Island Committee

Be responsible for disseminating information and coordinating all HACAC activities in their district.

Kaua’i Island Committee

Be responsible for disseminating information and coordinating all HACAC activities in their district.

Maui County Committee

Be responsible for disseminating information and coordinating all HACAC activities in their district.

Membership Committee

Solicit membership in the organization for both HACAC and NACAC; collect dues and forward dues to the Treasurer; maintain membership records of HACAC and provide NACAC with such records as may be requested.

Admission Practices Committee

Promote awareness of best practices in the NACAC Guide to Ethical Practice in College Admission.

Government Relations Committee

Provide leadership in identifying areas of governmental policy affecting the mission of HACAC and its membership.

Professional Development Committee

Provide leadership and coordinate programs in the area of relationship building and continuing education for the ongoing development of professional and ethical college counseling at secondary and postsecondary institutions.

National College Fair Committee

Coordinate the local arrangements for the National College Fair and serve as a liaison to the NACAC National College Fair Committee.

Hawai’i ACAC College Fair Committee

Coordinate the arrangements for the HACAC College Fairs, which is separate from the National College Fair.

Development Committee

Advise the Executive Board on budgetary policies and issues on revenue generation, membership dues and forms, and monitor investment strategies.

Community Relations Committee

Explore and develop programs that will provide opportunities to facilitate students’ transition to postsecondary education.

Technology Committee

Maintain the HACAC website and other technology issues as it relates to the Hawai’i ACAC.

Diversity, Equity, and Access Committee

Advance HACAC’s commitment to inclusion for underserved students and the educational professionals who guide them.

Elected Officers:


In the absence of the President, assume the office of President at any official HACAC function; assist the President whenever necessary; succeed to the office of President in the event of a vacancy in that office; serve as chairperson of the State Conference and Planning Committee.


Call, preside over, and prepare the agenda for meeting of the Executive Board; call and preside over any meetings of the General Membership, or standing committees; serve as an ex-officio of all HACAC committees; appoint the members of the standing committees provided for in Article X of the Bylaws and other committees which are judged necessary to enable HACAC to accomplish its purposes, subject to the approval of the Executive Board. Assume other responsibilities as directed by the General Membership and/or Executive Board.


Serve as chairperson of the Nominating Committee, which shall have the responsibility of credential approval for all candidates for office.

Treasurer-Elect, Treasurer, and Past-Treasurer

Be responsible for all financial records of the corporation; report on the financial conditions and results of operations of HACAC to the Executive Board and General Membership; be responsible for payment of all bills of the organization; arrange for a financial review by an independent public accountant every two years, to coincide with the Treasurer’s term of office. The treasurer will distribute the financial review to the Executive Board, and upon request, provide the report to the voting members of HACAC.

Secretary (2-year term)

Be responsible for the Minutes of all Executive Board and General Membership Meetings.

Executive Board:

The HACAC Executive Board (E-Board) includes the Standing Committee Chairs and the Elected Officers

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